Sunday, August 2, 2009

Your dog is chattering his teeth. What is he saying?

Is it a male? He is telling you he smells a female in season. They do that when they are excited that way.

Your dog is chattering his teeth. What is he saying?
I'm cold?
Reply:if your dog is chattering his teeth it is probably because he is cold. so if your dog is chattering his teeth i best advice you to keep him warmer. good luck!! hope i helped!
Reply:I don't know why don't u ask him we don't speak dog language
Reply:why do u get to pee inside where it's warm and i'm outside where it's cold?
Reply:It's COLD OUT HERE! Why in the _____ won't you let me INSIDE!!?!
Reply:It is cold
Reply:hungry, i maybe be wrong because i dont speak dog
Reply:If its an unneutered male there could be a scent that is exciting him!
Reply:If he's outside and lives in New England chances are he's f**kin cold. It was 2 below this morning and about 14 now . Its 4:45PM and the suns going down. At least put the poor thing in the garage or the celler and give him an old blanket to lie on.
Reply:'Dog collars aren't much for insulating'

'Hey look! I'm those little chattering teeth!'

'My feline-radar tells me theres a cat in the area'

'Slow down when you go over those bumps!'

'You have to taste kitties with little tiny bites!'

'Flea Bite!'

'I said.. I want some corn on the cob!'

(at the vet) 'Me? Nervous? What makes you say that?"

'Did someone say vacuum?'

'Where's my Fix-O-dent?'

'I don't have fleas.. I have chatter bugs'

'I HATE surprise parties!'


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