Friday, July 31, 2009

If one has good teeth but rancid dog breath, is it safe to assume that one has a gut problem?

No, it doesn't originate from the gut. It's generally sulfur-releasing bacteria trapped between the teeth, on the surface of the tongue, or trapped in the tonsils. (It also could be acid reflux, but that's less likely. Also if your exhalation from your nose smells it's most likely a sinus problem.)

Floss regularly, try a tongue scraper, use a zinc mouthwash or mouth spray to kill the bacteria. Also if you get those white things (tonsil stones) you may want to do a search on how to squeeze them out--gross, but effective. If those things don't work, I'd see an ear nose throat specialist.

If one has good teeth but rancid dog breath, is it safe to assume that one has a gut problem?
R u sure its ur friend ? Did u tell ur friend that? Report It

Reply:not sure id go and see dentist or doctor darling
Reply:It is safe to assume they may have halitosis.
Reply:No, they have haletosis (sp). Chronic bad breath.
Reply:some people don't brush their tongue. it holds bacteria and must be cleansed daily.
Reply:your teeth can be good but is the inbetween bits clean.trapped food can smell so bad,like a rabbit cage that hasnt been cleaned out for weeks,also lack of a good diet can also cause this,i would suggest you see your doctor.
Reply:This could also be caused by allergies.
Reply:there's a lot of adverts now telling us to brush not only our teeth but our tongue as well, it is furry and food does rest on it whilst in the mouth. it may also be the food and drink you consume my sister drinks a lot of coffee and her breath is rank
Reply:Sounds like acid reflux, so you'd want to see a gastroenterologist (M.D. specializing in digestive disorders). There are lots of medicines, like Nexium, that could help.

At the same time, you might have good teeth, but not brush them much, or your gums and tongue might be nasty. That could also be a cause. Remember to floss often and brush your tongue, too.
Reply:No its not sometimes your tongue could be dirty also sinus and throat problems.
Reply:I have know idea. Maybe you should ask a doctor or something like that.
Reply:It may come from not brushing or flossing regularly. Many times it comes from people who are busy and don't eat between meals; it seems to come from way down, not just the mouth.
Reply:Could be all sorts of problems, throat, tongue, has this person been ill? does this person floss, flossing removes the plaque from in between the teeth that often gets left and can cause bad smells.
Reply:Unless you have just ate a dog turd Sandwich???

Which is highly unlikely!
Reply:no u could have icky tonsils- i do, they're not infected, but u do need to use mouthwash, which works most of the time.


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