Saturday, July 25, 2009

My dog had all teeth pulled now cant swallow food?

I would try baby food until his mouth heals up. Dogs do great without teeth. It just has to have time to heal up.

My dog had all teeth pulled now cant swallow food?
It's probably scared to because it can't chew.
Reply:Is it that he can't chew the food or swallow it? If he can't chew buy him canned food that has very small particles. If he's having trouble swallowing I would take him to the vet%26amp; get it checked out.

Good luck.
Reply:Poor thing. Did the vet not give you any advice on feeding?
Reply:my male grey had his remaining 3 teeth out 3 weeks ago now, he has his food soaked as he cant chew..obviously and hes managing great, i would suggest you soak your dogs food and roll it into lil balls, my vet advised that for my grey as dogs with no teeth find it esier to eat if the food is rolled up , its more time consuming but its easier for the animal to manage, i just soak his bisuits for about an hour in about a cup and a half of water so it makes them soft but not mushy, and hes fine with that..dont give your dog any big bits of food or hard bits of food , stick to soft best of luck xx

family nanny

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