Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I don't know how to brush my dog's teeth cz he doesn't like it he runs away whenever he sees the toothbrush.

I watched on the dog whisperer that maybe you should put the toothbrush in front of him and then give him a massage. Then he can start associating the toothbrush with a massage. Then when you do brush his teeth have someone else give him a massage. Then eventually he knows that every time he gets his teeth brushed that he will get a massage.

I don't know how to brush my dog's teeth cz he doesn't like it he runs away whenever he sees the toothbrush.
Try using a meat flavored toothpaste.
Reply:dont they sell those big bone look alike dog food in the pet shop? i thought that was there tooth brush! u should go to the pet shop and ask them or go to you vet!
Reply:If you go to your local vet, they usually have finger brushes. They are smally rubber brushes you can put over your index finger and they are less threatning to a dog. They also sell cheese and beefy flavored toothpaste that he might enjoy more.
Reply:buy a bone and the petstore and it should be a green bone shaped like a toothbrush it will clean his teeth.
Reply:go to his doc.they provide some mouth covering mask with which u can brush his teeth.
Reply:Why bother. Dogs have survived for many years without ever seeing a toothbrush or "doggy" toothpaste.

I'm convinced this is just another gimmick to make you buy more "stuff", and if your dog has a proper diet, with fresh meat, vegetables, bones - I also occasionally give my dog free range raw chicken halves, complete with bones and a few feathers still attached - , and occasionally a top quality dry food, like science diet, you shouldn't have any trouble with his teeth or gums.
Reply:Try giving your dog a healthy treat called Greenies, its a bone on one end and a toothebrush on the other . Completely edible and it cleans their teeth for you. My dog loves it.

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